Leadership & Governance


Galway Hospice is a company limited by guarantee and it is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. The Board do not receive any payment of any kind, are responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation, ensuring due diligence and legal compliance. The Board Members are selected to be representative of the community served by Galway Hospice. The current membership includes medical, legal, nursing, financial, entrepreneurial and clinical governance expertise, together with community and service user representatives.

The Chief Executive reports directly to the Chairperson of the Board, and attends attends all Board meetings.  The Board meets at least eight times a year (apart from the AGM), but additional meetings are regularly convened as appropriate to the matters under consideration.

In addition, there are three sub-committees of the Board – the Governance & Audit Committee and the Quality & Patient Safety Committee and the Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

The current board members are as follows:

  • Dr Jim Browne – Chairperson
  • Alyson Banks
  • Mary Coyne
  • Dr Ray Doyle
  • Keith Finnegan
  • Prof Lokesh Joshi
  • Dorothy Kelly
  • Jean Kelly
  • Dr Ramona McLoughlin
  • Kevin Moore
  • James Murphy
  • Tony Neary


The Board has delegated responsibility for the day-to-day management, operational delivery of services, implementation of strategic plans and decisions approved by the Board of Directors to the Chief Executive and Executive Team.

The Executive Team are:

  • Mary Nash, Chief Executive
  • Ita Harnett, Clinical Director
  • Mairead Carr, Director of Nursing
  • Ann Dolan, Director of HR
  • Charlene Hurley, Director of Fundraising & Communications
  • Niamh McKeon, Director of Quality


Galway Hospice is fully committed to providing the highest standard of care and being transparent in all aspects of our business. In terms of governance, the primary source of public assurance and confidence is derived from the Galway Hospice Foundation’s successful achievement of CHKS Accreditation for Hospice Services (full accreditation across all services of Galway Hospice), as well as the international quality standard of ISO 9001:2015.  In addition, Galway Hospice has received the CHKS International Quality Award, the only hospice in Europe to have received this award, not once, but twice (2011 & 2014). In order to help us to maintain these high standards we encourage feedback, whether it is of a positive or negative nature.

In addition, Galway Hospice in in compliance with the requirements of the Charities Regulator Governance Code. It is because of the trust and generosity that our supporters place in us that we go to great lengths to ensure that we are open and transparent in everything that we do. We are fully compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements and our most recent audited financial statements are available below.

The following documents are provided for the information of the public:

RF-FR-34 Fundraising Complaints Procedure

RF-FR-37 Donor Charter – ICTR Fundraising Principles

Please find below the Annual Report and Accounts for Galway Hospice:

Galway Hospice Annual Report 2018

Galway Hospice Audited Accounts 2019


Galway Hospice Audited Accounts 2020


Galway Hospice Impact Statement 2020


Galway Hospice Audited Accounts 2021


Galway Hospice Audited Accounts 2022


Galway Hospice Audited Accounts 2023