Walk & Talk

Walk & Talk is a group for people who have experienced a bereavement through the Galway or Mayo Hospice service.

It is an opportunity for relatives and carers to meet with others, outdoors who are bereaved. There are refreshments and a chat at the end of each walk.

Galway Walk & Talk

In Galway, the fortnightly walks are run by the Hospice Bereavement Service and their friendly volunteers. Before starting their walk in Barna woods, the group meets every second Wednesday at 10.30am at Cappagh Road carpark, next to Knocknacarra Community Centre.

For more information contact the Bereavement Services Co-ordinator in Galway at 091-770868, Monday to Friday.

Mayo Walk & Talk

In Mayo, the fortnightly walks are run by the Medical Social Work and Pastoral Care team. The group meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 11am at Loughlannagh Walk car park. There are refreshments and a chat at the end of each walk.

For more information contact the Medical Social Work Department at (094) 938 8666. 

Walk & Talk is a group for people who have experienced a bereavement through the Galway or Mayo Hospice service, this includes relatives and carers who want to know more about bereavement, and how they can help. It provides an opportunity to meet other people and walk in the fresh air – it’s free, fun and friendly.

Get in Touch

If you would like to make contact or have any queries, please contact the Bereavement Services Coordinator on 091 770868 (Monday – Friday).

Related Services

Understanding Grief

Bereavement Supports

Children’s Bereavement

Additional Resources

How to Access Supports

Bereavement Café