Barna Men’s and Ladies’ Golf Club present €850 to Galway Hospice

Barna Golf Club [640x480]Galway Hospice was recently presented with €850, being the proceeds raised by members of the Barna Men’s and Ladies’ Golf Club when they held a Charity 18-hole Singles Stableford Competition over the course of three days last March.

Pictured presenting the proceeds raised are (l-r): Captain Derek Bryan, Bernie Walsh (Galway Hospice), Lady Captain Deirdre Squires and President John Moore O’Connor.  Galway Hospice greatly appreciates the support of the Barna Men’s & Ladies’ Golf Club.  Well done to everyone involved in this fundraising event and thank you to everyone who supported the event in aid of Galway Hospice.  Yeez are tee-rific!

Galway Hospice must raise €1.6 million every year to continue providing our specialist Home Care, Day Care and Bereavement Support services, which do not receive any State funding.  Events like this three-day golfing event are very important for our ongomg fundraising.   Thank you, Barna Men’s and Women’s Golf Club, for choosing Galway Hospice to benefit from this event.

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