Well done to Valerie Burke who recently took part in the Dublin City Marathon in aid of Galway Hospice. Valerie raised a fantastic €1,705 in the process which she donated to Galway Hospice – photo shows Orla Feeney (left) of Galway Hospice accepting the cheque from Valerie. Thanks so much to Valerie for taking on this challenge to benefit Galway Hospice and also thanks to everyone who supported Valerie in her run.
Galway Hospice depends so much on people like Valerie, who take on the most amazing challenges just to raise funds for Galway Hospice. Today, we are caring for 136 patients in their own homes, patients who might otherwise have to be in hospitals or nursing homes. The vast majority of these patients want to be cared for at home, if there is a choice available. Hospice not alone provides that choice, but provides a comprehensive levelof quality of care in the home. Hopefully some day, the State will see fit to fund this service. In the meantime, we rely on amazing people like Valerie to help with the funding of this service.