Galway Hospice was recently presented with a cheque for €350 by members of the Turloughmore Fine Gael Branch. The proceeds were raised through a recent event hosted by branch members.
Pictured at the cheque presentation at Galway Hospice are: (l-r) Jarlath McDonagh (former Senator), Grainne McDonagh (Public Relations Officer), Finola Grealish (Association Secretary) and Joanne Tierney (Galway Hospice). Galway Hospice greatly appreciates the support of the Turloughmore Fine Gael Branch. Well done everyone!
Every year, Galway Hospice must raise €1.8 million to ensure the continuing provision of Hospice Home Care, Day Care and Bereavement Support services throughout Galway city and county. Galway Hospice depends hugely on voluntary donations to reach this annual fundraising target. The support we receive through events like this is much appreciated.