The Dundon family present two Rolco Headrests to Galway Hospice

IMG_2055 (Copy)Many thanks to the Dundon family who recently purchased two Rolco Headrests for Galway Hospice.

Pictured at the presentation of the new Headrests are (l-r): Deirdre Moran (Galway Hospice), Lesley Carroll (Galway Hospice), John Dundon, Siobhan Walsh, Sheila Walsh, Ann Keenan, Mary Thornton (Galway Hospice) and in front Jack Walsh.

The Dundon family donated the funds to purchase these Headrests in memory of the late Teresa Dundon RIP who availed of Hospice services.

Our sincere thanks to the Dundon family for their kind and generous support of Galway Hospice.

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