Many thanks to Bina Harris and to everyone involved in The Barrie Harris Memorial Walk, which continues to raise money for Galway Hospice on an annual basis. The last walk, which took place on St Stephen’s Day 2016, raised a further €1000 for Galway Hospice.
This is the 23rd year of this walk, which so far has raised over €22,000 for Galway Hospice. The walk takes place on St Stephen’s Day each year in Creggs and is not only a great fundraiser for Galway Hospice, but also a great social event locally, bringing family and friends together as part of the seasonal festivities.
Bina and her family and friends have been loyal supporters of Galway Hospice for many years now and we greatly appreciate their continuous support.
Pictured at the most recent cheque presentation are (l-r): Olivia Smyth, Eve Smyth, Bina Harris, Orla Feeney (Galway Hospice) and Stephen Smyth, with the proceeds raised.
Our sincere thanks to everyone involved in the organising of this walk each year, and to the people of Creggs for their continuing generous support.