O’Connor’s Allcare Pharmacy present €1,408.05 to Galway Hospice

img_1698-copyRecently, O’Connor’s Allcare Pharmacy in Moycullen presented Galway Hospice with a cheque for €1,408.05.  Management and staff at the pharmacy undertook a four-month fundraising campaign in support of the Foundation. Throughout the four months, customers were invited to donate €2 each, or they could purchase products for €2, with 100% of the proceeds and sales monies being donated to Galway Hospice. In addition, raffle lines were sold and again, all raffle proceeds were donated to Galway Hospice.

The cheque presentation was attended by a very special guest, Maureen Allman. Maureen has been tirelessly advocating for Galway Hospice and has been raising awareness of our fundraising needs. Maureen was also joined by her daughter Sinead, son-in-law Dean and grandson Noah. It was a very special afternoon for everyone at Allcare Pharmacy, for Maureen and her family, as well as for Galway Hospice. Sincere thanks  to Maureen and to everyone involved in this fundraising endeavour.

Pictured in the first photograph from left to right are: Lisa Shaughnessy (Allcare Pharmacy), Maureen Allman (Galway Hospice), Liz D’Souza (Allcare Pharmacy), Josephine O’Connor (Proprietor) and Patricia O’Brien (Allcare Pharmacy).

Pictured in the second photograph from left to right are: Joanne Tierney (Galway Hospice), Maureen Allman (Galway Hospice), Noah Grant and Sinead Grant.

Every year, Galway Hospice must raise €1.8 million to ensure the provision of Hospice Home Care, Day Care and Bereavement Support services throughout Galway city and county.  Galway Hospice depends hugely on fundraising events like this one to reach this annual fundraising target.  The support we receive is greatly appreciated.img_1706-copy


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