Loch Con Aortha Walk 2010 for Galway Hospice

Maureen Sullivan presents a cheque to Olive Fahy, Galway Hospice, for €12,126 which was raised in the annual 6-mile walk from Coillsaile to Ardmore, Connemara, held on Easter Monday 2010 in memory of Margaret Ridge, RIP.  Also in the picture are Mary Ann Sullivan, Coleman Cooke, Louis Ridge, Syed Taqi and Tom O’Brian.  Missing from the photo is Marcus Sullivan.  Sincere thanks to Maureen and to her great team of organisers of this annual event, and thanks also to those who faithfully support this event every year, which to date has raised a massive €83,556.73 for Galway Hospice.   Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.

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