Grand Valley State University Students visit Galway Hospice

Recently a group of 12 students from Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan USA, visited Galway Hospice as part of an international cultural study tour regarding healthcare.  The group, comprising students of Social Work, Non-profit Administration, Nursing and Accounting, was under the direction of their professor, Dr. Joan Borst.  Dr. Borst has been bringing students to learn about the care process at Galway Hospice for many years, and each year feedback from Professor Borst and her students is that the visit to Hospice has been a great learning opportunity about the multidisciplinary dimensions of hospice / palliative care, and the role of compassion in healthcare. 

Each year Galway Hospice arranges a comprehensive educational programme for the students, including interaction with Day Care patients at the hospice.  Galway Hospice is delighted to be partnering with Grand Valley State University in facilitating this annual study visit.   Some years, when time allows, the students have spent additional time in a number of volunteer roles at the hospice.  The students have consistently proven to be exceptionally interested and committed to the optimum learning experience, and we look forward to their visit each year.

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