Fitmac Galway raises €1,153 for Galway Hospice through a Croagh Patrick Climb

Fitmac Cheque Presentation (Copy)Many thanks to the members of Fitmac Galway who recently presented Orla Feeney of Galway Hospice with a cheque for €1,153.

The group raised these proceeds for Galway Hospice through a Croagh Patrick Climb earlier this year.

Well done and many thanks to the Fitmac Group for taking on such an amazing challenge, to raise much-needed funds for Galway Hospice.

Pictured is Fitmac owner David McDonagh presenting the cheque to Orla Feeney of Galway Hospice.

Pictured in the second photo at the top of Croagh Patrick are Fitmac members (l-r): David McDonagh, Jacinta O’Connell, Darren Lynch, Sinead Fox Scanlon, Patrick McDonagh, Rita Feeney and Julie Ann Collins.  Well done to everyone!

Fitac 2017 Pic 2This donation will help Galway Hospice to continue providing our fully-accredited specialist palliative care services to adults and children with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses throughout Galway city and county, and on the adjoining islands, as well as providing support to their families and carers. These services include Home Care (365 days per year), Inpatient Care (18 beds), Day Care (3 days per week), Bereavement Support (for as long as it is needed) and Education (for staff, carers and multidisciplinary professionals in the community). All services at Galway Hospice are provided free of charge, for as long as they are needed.

Someday someone you know may need our services.  Others need us today.  Thank you, Fitmac, for helping us to meet this need.


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