Earlier start time for Galway Memorial Walk 2012!!!!

The tremendous success of the Galway senior hurling team last Sunday has meant that the Galway Memorial Walk in aid of Galway Hospice, which always takes place on the second Sunday in September, will again take place as usual this year but with an earlier start, to accommodate those wishing to watch the All-Ireland hurling final.

The event will take place on Sunday, September 9 but it will now start at 12 mid-day. This is to facilitate participants, volunteers and staff eager to watch the Galway hurlers compete in Croke Park later that afternoon.

A 12 noon start will mean that everyone will be able to complete the Memorial Walk and be home in time for the 3.30pm throw-in!  We are looking forward to a huge turn-out on the day, celebrating the lives of loved ones who have died.

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