It’s that time of year again!! The annual Margaret Ridge Memorial Walk will be taking place this Easter Monday 2nd April from Coill Sáile to Rosmuc in Connemara, with all proceeds raised being donated to Galway Hospice. The 6 mile walk will kick off at 1pm and everyone is welcome to take part.
This walk has been taking place since 2002 and, since then, it has raised the phenomenal amount of €133,233.98 for Galway Hospice! Now in it’s 16th year, this year will be the first without the late Marcus Sullivan, who started the walk with his wife Maureen in memory of Maureen’s sister, Margaret Ridge.
The late Marcus, Maureen and everyone in this group have been amazing supporters of Galway Hospice over the years, and deserve huge credit for continuing to organise this Walk and raise huge sums of money for Galway Hospice.
Please support.