Loch-Con-Aortha Group, remembering Margaret Ridge RIP, raise another €6,225 for Galway Hospice through annual sponsored walk

Cheque Presentation (Copy)Many thanks to the Loch-Con-Aortha group who recently presented a cheque to Catriona Kilbane, Clinical Nurse Manager at Galway Hospice. The group raised these proceeds through their annual sponsored walk from Coill Saile to Rosmuc, in memory of the late Margaret Ridge RIP, and in aid of Galway Hospice.  This year’s walk raised a total of €6,225 for Galway Hospice, bringing the amount raised to date to the amazing total of €126,096.20 for Galway Hospice!

Pictured are (l-r): Louis Ridge, Maureen Sullivan, Catriona Kilbane (Galway Hospice) and Coleman Cooke.

Huge thanks to this group who have been so amazingly faithful to Galway Hospice over the years with this annual sponsored walk, remembering Margaret Ridge RIP.  Their dedicated labour has resulted in €126,096 being raised for Galway Hospice, a wonderful achievement for such a relatively small community.  This has greatly assisted Galway Hospice to continue providing fully-accredited specialist palliative care services to adults and children with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses throughout Galway city and county, and on the adjoining islands, as well as providing support to their families and carers. As always, hospice services continue to be provided free-of-charge, for as long as they are needed. Groups like the Loch-Con-Aortha community help us to do this.  Míle buíochas don ghrúpa agus muintir Chonamara as ucht an tacaíocht íontach seo!

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