Weekly Draw

Galway Hospice Weekly Draw

The Galway Hospice Weekly Draw has supported the work of the Hospice since 1987.

Next draw in


Win €1,000 or €100 each week!

The Draw costs just €1.27 per week. Members are in with a chance to win the €1,000 first prize or €100 second prize each week. 

The Weekly Draw takes place at the Hospice in Renmore every Wednesday at 12 noon. 

Winners are contacted by phone. Results of the Draw are posted each week on Facebook and Instagram

Download the Weekly Draw Leaflet, contact Fundraising on 091-770868 or draw@galwayhospice.ie

Join the Weekly Draw

Purchase or renew an annual subscription for the Weekly Draw online

You can also purchase by cash, cheque or card by completing a Weekly Draw membership form and returning the completed
form to Freepost, Galway Hospice Fundraising Department, Renmore, Galway.

€5.51 monthly 

This is a monthly subscription processed by PayPal. You will receive confirmation of your Weekly Draw entry by email.

Weekly Draw – Monthly Donation via Paypal

  • Please complete your address so that we can post you your Weekly Draw Welcome Post.
  • € 0.00
  • Keeping in Touch

    We may need to contact you regarding administration and any communications relating to this campaign.
  • We would love to keep you updated about Galway Hospice services, fundraising initiatives, hospice news and let you know how your support has helped us continue providing our services.
  • All future correspondence will have an unsubscribe/opt out option and you can update your contact preferences at any time by emailing fundraising@galwayhospice.ie. For more details see our Privacy Policy.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

You can cancel this subscription at any time by logging into your PayPal Account or contacting Galway Hospice Fundraising on 091-770868 or draw@galwayhospice.ie 

Complete a Standing Order form and return the completed form to Freepost, Galway Hospice Fundraising Department, Renmore, Galway.

Purchase an Annual Weekly Draw Voucher for a loved one online or by cash, cheque or card. Contact Galway Hospice Fundraising on 091-770868 for more information.

Join the Weekly Draw through a Payroll Deduction Scheme. Employees can authorise their employers to deduct €1.27 per week or €5.51 per month from their wages for Galway Hospice. Payroll Deduction Schemes are subject to agreement with employers.  

For more information on the Payroll Deduction Scheme, contact Fundraising on 091-770868 or draw@galwayhospice.ie

Congratulations to last week's winners!
1st Prize - €1,000
L. Gordon
2nd Prize - €100
I. O’Halloran