Guidelines for Community Fundraising Events

We are very grateful to you and the Galway community for supporting the work of Galway Hospice.

We appreciate all donations but also that you, the fundraiser, are highlighting the importance of the services that we provide to the supporters of your event.

To support you with the organisation of your fundraising activity, Galway Hospice have outlined a list of guidelines that aim to guide and protect all participating parties and we encourage all community fundraisers raising monies for Galway Hospice to adhere to these guidelines:

  • We ask that all event organisers inform the Galway Hospice Fundraising Office of their intention to raise funds and seek approval in advance of the event.
  • Where the event is in memory of a named individual, we ask that the organisers inform the person’s next-of-kin about the event.
  • Fundraising event or activity organisers must ensure all applicable legislation for their fundraiser is complied with, including any permits and permissions where necessary. This also includes ticketing for entry, raffles, bingo and games of chance or any activities around appealing to the public for support or donations. We can guide you and assist with this process. If the fundraiser links with their local Garda Station directly, copies of secured permits must be sent to Galway Hospice Fundraising Office. Please note that permits may take a few weeks to obtain, so advance planning is necessary. 
  • The relevant insurance and indemnity that is required for any event in the general community/ public arena must be acquired before the event date. 
  • All your fundraising communications should make it clear that you are fundraising for the benefit of Galway Hospice rather than acting as an agent, partner or formally on behalf of the organisation. Fundraisers who wish to use the Galway Hospice logo/name for promotional purposes must seek approval for each use prior to advertising any event.  Please submit a proof of all design work that includes use of logo and charity number CHY8837 to the fundraising office for review prior to print/display.
  • All third-party events must clearly state that the activity is in aid of Galway Hospice. The name of the organiser/ company/ school/ Club should be included. If there is more than one beneficiary of the funds raised – all parties and percentage split (if not equal between the groups) should be identified on all fundraising materials. 
  • Please ensure participants are fully briefed about the event, including (where relevant) any risks, fitness requirements, special equipment and clothing required. Always assess if adequate safety procedures are in place, trained first aid personnel may be required particularly if outdoor venues are used. Again, we can provide guidance and assistance with this if required.
  • The organiser is responsible for securing consent for use of participant photos or other imagery that is to be used to promote their event including pre and post event activity. We are happy to assist with promoting community events by sharing photos or images on Galway Hospice’s social media platforms Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn) and these will be accepted and shared on the basis that consent has been obtained by the organiser prior to sending them to Galway Hospice.
  • Monies raised must be returned directly to the Fundraising Department within 30 days after your event.

Bank Transfer 

Monies can be lodged directly to Galway Hospice’s bank account (details below) and the organiser should notify the fundraising office by email when the transfer has been completed. 

Account Name: Galway Hospice Fundraising

Bank Name:       Bank of Ireland

IBAN:                    IE55 BOFI 9037 9545 9962 35

BIC:                       BOFIIE2D

For security purposes please telephone our offices to verify these bank details over the telephone before setting up the transfer of funds.

Alternative transfer options are listed below:

Online at

In Person – Drop Funds to Galway Hospice Reception 

By Cheque made out to Galway Hospice 

By Post – Galway Hospice, Fundraising Department, Dublin Road, Renmore, Galway, H91 R2T0 (We ask that people where possible do not sent cash via the post).

  • Please keep a full record of costs and income from your event as the Charity Regulators requires that this record should be available if members of the public request these details. 
  • As the organiser, you are responsible for the financial management and records of your fundraising activity.
  • Cash should be counted in a secure environment and held in a secure place until it is possible to bank it. 
  • Expenses should be kept to a minimum and a full record should be kept of all monies spent on the event. 
  • Please note that we ask our supporters not to knock door-to-door.
  • We have sealed buckets available and can provide them to you in advance of your event.  All buckets MUST be sealed at all times, in accordance with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.  
  • Galway Hospice will issue you with a receipt recording the amount of the donation after all funds have been remitted. Once again, we would ask that you remit funds to us as soon as possible after your event, and within 30 days at the latest. 


Please note that for online giving sites such as iDonate, Facebook Fundraisers, etc. a fee is sometimes taken for using the platform. We recommend iDonate for all online fundraising. 

  • We will endeavour to assist you with your event in any way we can, however we also cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions on your part. As it is not the host of the event, please note that Galway Hospice (and its officers, directors, employees and agents) disclaim, to the fullest extent permissible, liability for any claims, disputes, injury, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees damage or injury caused during third party fundraising events.
  • Please let us know as early as possible if you require a Galway Hospice representative to attend for a launch of the event, for the event itself or for a cheque presentation after the event.  We will make every effort to have a representative available.  
  • During the course of your event you may be provided with access to people’s personal data on sponsorship cards, on letters or emails to you, or from event participants. After the event is complete you should destroy any lists or paperwork that you have which contains individuals’ personal details and return printed sponsor cards to Galway Hospice where we will ensure they are processed and then destroyed securely.


On behalf of everyone at Galway Hospice, we would like to thank you for supporting our services and wish you all the best with your fundraising efforts.