‘Galway Cup of Nations’ five-a-side soccer tournament in aid of Galway Hospice

Poster 52 (2) [640x480]On Saturday, 14th June 2014, the ‘Galway Cup of Nations’ five-a-side soccer tournament will take place, with all proceeds raised being donated to Galway Hospice.

This fantastically fun fundraiser will see players from around the world compete in a series of matches at Corrib Rangers FC Astroturf, Westside, Galway.  Kick off is at 10.30 am, with a minimum of three matches guaranteed, and the tournament will conclude with the presentation of trophies in the afternoon.  The entry fee is €100 per team and the closing date for entry is Saturday, 7th June 2014.  So, to all of the soccer enthusiasts, why not dust off those boots and take part in what promises to be a great soccer tournament, in aid of Galway Hospice.

Every year, Galway Hospice must raise €1.6 million in order to support the provision of essential Home Care, Day Care and Bereavement Support services.  Galway Hospice depends on fundraising events such as the ‘Galway Cup of Nations’ to be able to continue to provide these fundamental services throughout Galway city and county as well as the adjoining islands. Your support of this event would be greatly appreciated.

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