Croagh Patrick Climb

June 21, 2025
Croagh Patrick

The annual Galway Hospice Croagh Patrick Climb takes place in June each year.

The Climb is an important annual fundraiser for Galway Hospice.

The Croagh Patrick Climb for Galway Hospice has always been much more than just a climb. As well as being a wonderful fundraising challenge for hospice care, it’s an opportunity for people to come together to remember much-missed family, friends and colleagues.

Galway Hospice Croagh Patrick Climb - 2025

  • Personal Details

  • Details

  • I understand that I take part in the Galway Hospice Croagh Patrick Climb at my own risk and that the Galway Hospice will not be held responsible for any property lost, mislaid or stolen on the route or at any facility area or for any loss or injury sustained by me in the course of the event or in fundraising connected with the event. Furthermore, I hereby grant full permission to Galway Hospice to use photographs, films or recordings of the event for any legitimate purpose connected with the event and/or with the services of Galway Hospice. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions
  • Stay in Touch

  • We would love to stay in touch and update you from time-to-time about the work of Galway Hospice, events and campaigns. Please tick below, I am happy to be contacted:
  • By submitting this form, you consent to us using your details to provide you with information about the campaign you are supporting. Please note we will retain your details on the Galway Hospice Donor database. We promise to keep your details safe and never sell or swap your details with third parties. Our privacy policy available on explains how we keep this promise. You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting the Fundraising Department on 091 770868, by emailing or by using the opt out function available on all our communications.
  • Registration Payment

    Registration Fee of €25 includes a special technical t-shirt and refreshments after the Climb.
  • Price: € 25.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

For more information, please contact or 087-1933032.