The Day Care Unit at Galway Hospice offers a safe and friendly environment where people encountering similar experiences can meet in an informal setting and provides an opportunity for mutual support that enhances confidence and well-being.
The Day Care Team consists of clinical staff and volunteers, and offers patients the opportunity to engage in a range of activities. The Day Care provides a place for wellbeing, relaxation and friendship for those living with a life-limiting illness, and to offer a range of treatments to help with these.
Referrals to Day Care are made through the patients GP, Hospice Community Palliative Care Team or Hospital Consultant.
The Day Care enables patients to interact with others in a similar situation and provides the following:
- Offer a specialist Multidisciplinary Team approach of care to patients living at home and enhance the supports already provided by their primary health care team.
- To support and offer respite for the carer.
- Provide time to listen and converse, to address the feeling of isolation often felt by a patients learning to live with a life-limiting illness, by making the patient feel a valued member of a small group. Also enables the patients to establish relationships with other patients if they so wish.
- To provide an opportunity for the patient to participate in art and craft activities if he/she so wishes and to encourage the patient to develop interests and talents which he/she may not have had the time or the inclination to do prior to their illness.
- Benefit from a medical review if deemed necessary.
- Access to other services including physiotherapy, aromatherapy, occupational therapy, hairdressing and chiropody.
- Access to our Medical Social Work Department and Pastoral Care Team.
- To act as an introduction and a link to the Inpatient Unit in order that concerns and anxieties can be alleviated if an admission becomes necessary.
- To provide ‘routine’ and the security of knowing that the Hospice is always there.
Transport to Day Care
If a friend of family members cannot transport you to Day Care, we may be able to transport you to the hospice.
Hot and cold drinks are available during the day. Lunch includes a choice of hot meals and desserts. All refreshments are provided free of charge to patients.
Fatigue & Breathlessness Clinic
Fatigue and Breathlessness are commonly experienced symptoms of advanced illnesses such as cancer and respiratory conditions. In order to address these symptoms and help people and their families learn management strategies, a Fatigue and Breathlessness Programme, otherwise known as FAB, is available to patients.
The FAB Programme aims to help patients with progressive life limiting illnesses such as cancer, motor neurone disease, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or renal failure cope with the symptoms of Fatigue and Breathlessness. This multidisciplinary lead programme uses non pharmacological means to maximise self-management of symptoms and improve quality of life.
How can the programme help?
- We can help you understand your symptoms better.
- We can suggest ways to help you manage your symptoms.
- Give you the opportunity to talk with the team, and other people who are experiencing the same symptoms.
For more information on the FAB Clinic please contact Day Care on 091 770868 or